I decided to make two unscented soaps. One is Plain & Simple and it's exactly that. It's completely plain and was totally simple to make. It is uncolored and has no titanium dioxide or anything. It doesn't even have a textured top. I did add cream because it does make such a luscious bar of soap.
The other was yet another remake of Sprinkles & Twinkles. Oh how I love to make that soap! I've made it several times at this point. I always use different sprinkles but it always has a ton of glitter! Side note: Remember to buy more glitter! I'm out! Can you imagine?!?!
So it did a body good and on top of it all, it was 70 degrees out and all the windows were open. It was a delightful day.
Once you finish a soap, how do you put yours to bed? I use wooden molds and typically pop a layer of cardboard on the top. I was inspired by your soaps to pour a little higher and go for some more texture and glitter on the top...then I wasn't sure how to insulate it? I'd appreciate your advice. Thanks!
Hi Jen! I don't gel my soaps so I soap at room temperature to prevent gel and then I set my soaps in front of a fan for 24 hours. The reason it works for me is that I use the smaller silicone molds and some do still try to gel on occasion. If you want to gel, you could try cold process oven process where you put your mold in a warmed up oven and then letting it go without having to cover it. Of course, there are things to know about doing that too. I've never done it but I could point you in the right direction if you want to know.
Sorry to hear you had trouble the other day (was it just yesterday??). Very interesting that it was both fragrances!! I'm a little surprised that MMS would sell these without having tested them in CP first. Makes me wonder a bit about the new fragrances I just bought from them! I've never had trouble with theirs before but you never know!
Hi Holly,
It's just the right inspiration for me this weekend. Just soaping a plain soap.
I need something relaxing for my mind right now.
Thanks again for your soaping.
Thanks! Amy - I hope you don't have any troubles with your new fragrances. All the twilight ones are such good smelling fragrances. I could have managed them if I'd not tried to do anything else, but since the other 10 soaped so nicely, I figured I wouldn't have any troubles. The Edward one was reviewed on the Soap Scent Review Board and it said it soaped well and I could have managed it without the weird lime color it turned. Jasper also turned limey.
Somehow Holly, you make your 'plain' soaps look anything but. Lovely!
Thanks so much for your advice. I truly enjoy looking at your fantastic soapy creations!
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