I wanted to let you all know that I have a new Etsy store! It has actually been up for about a month or so but it only had a few soaps listed. As of today, it has a full listing of my current soaps that are for sale. My main store will remain at Big Cartel, but I will try to keep Etsy updated the same.
Missouri River Soap on Etsy
Missouri River Soap on Big Cartel
The current soaps for sale are displayed on this video. Kaleidosoap is selling out quickly! Wild Mountain Honey and Lilacs In Bloom are both sold out, and I'm nearly sold out of several more.
In other news, Northern Missouri got hit by another considerably snow storm. This makes for 20 inches since last Thursday! Crazy talk! We had only had 6 inches TOTAL so far this year until these two snow storms hit. We're not used to this kind of snow and our poor city is struggling. Thankfully, we still have power and my husband has the ability to work from home and so we can look out on it and not be in it, except to play of course!
The view out of my front door this morning!
Orders are slightly delayed getting out as no mail service is running right now and we are being instructed to stay off of the roads.
I need to write a post about my new soaps but in the meantime I wanted to let you know about the new Etsy store. Thank you all!
Congrats on getting all your soaps up in your shop! =)
Your soaps are wonderful! passes from my blog if you want: www.vocazione-alchimista.blogspot.it, I'm a italian handcrafted soapmaker..
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